First Aid
Northern Beaches
Proud to have active Paramedics and Registered Nurses as part of our training team!
The first ten participants to sign up for any given session get 30% off!
Normally $50
CPR & First Aid
Normally $100
CPR & First Aid - Education Setting
Normally $120
Book Now
Select the course, date and time which suits.
Input your details and proceed to payment.
In the order summary you’ll see ‘package, gift or coupon code’.
Enter 30% OFF, followed by the date, in the following format:
30% OFF MAR 8, will get you 30% off on March 8th - e.g.
The discount price will appear, unless it’s been used by others.
Each code can only be used 10 times, then regular price applies.
Nationally Recognised Courses
Same day certificates!
Unique Student Identifier (USI). Without a USI candidates cannot obtain a Statement of Attainment. To register for a USI, or be reminded of your existing USI, visit
Proof of ID
Photographic identification must be sighted upon arrival.
All candidates must be capable of performing two minutes of uninterrupted CPR on the floor.
Arrival Time
Candidates more than 15 minutes late, must reschedule.
Statement of Attainment
All Statement of Attainments will be provided to candidates upon full payment and successful completion of the practical and theoretical components of the course.
Matt Welsh
“‘Total immersion in the practical within the first 5 minutes of the session. Safe, stimulating learning environment. Outstanding”
George Chemuel
“Top teacher, everything is clear when he teaches. Been there twice for his course, always coming out refreshed with knowledge”
Breen Johnson
“Outstanding presentation to a diverse group of attendees. Well pitched at every level”
Kieran Brown
An excellent instructor, engaging, funny, empathetic, positive & comprehensive.”
Catherine Grant
“Today I did a refresher of the CPR course. As a registered nurse you can appreciate I have had many instructors over the years. Marshall was knowledgeable, entertaining, captivating and engaging. He made sure everyone was comfortable in what they were doing and able to keep up. An excellent instructor.”
Andrew Provan
“Manikin each and got busy from the get go. Very efficient and effective.”
In House Training
Group Discounts Available!
Thousands of courses, delivered to tens of thousands of members of the public, and a variety of businesses throughout Australia.
Proud Members
The Australasian College of Paramedicine & The National Institute of First Aid Trainers!
1 hour face to face training, plus 30 minutes online learning.
Highly informative component of the course providing candidates with the latest and greatest from the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) on the ancient art of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Please note that candidates must perform two minutes of continuous CPR on both infant and adult manikins, the latter of which the ARC insist be performed on the floor.
CPR & First Aid
2 hour of face to face training & 2 hours of online learning.
This section looks at a medical emergencies and trauma, equipping participants with the knowledge and understanding to identify and deal with epilepsy, stroke, diabetes, choking, asthma, anaphylaxis, fracture management, bleeding, envenomation, dehydration, burns, hypo & hyperthermia, sprains and strains, etc.
CPR & First Aid in an Education Setting
A little over 2 hours face to face training, plus 2.5 hours online learning.
As well as the above mentioned candidates will also learn more about the Child Care Setting with information pertaining to Febrile Convulsions, Epiglottitis, Fever, Diarrhea, Croup and a host of other issues relating to first aid when it comes to children.
Not all heroes wear capes
Lets get you certified